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Welcome Message

Dear Participants


We are delighted to welcome you to the Psychiatric Congress 2025, also known as the "39th International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health". The conference is scheduled for April  07-08, 2025, in the beautiful city of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Professionals working in the fields of psychiatry and mental health should take advantage of this conference as a chance to network, share expertise, and learn from one another. "Challenges in Mental Illness & development of integrated mental health services" is the conference's subject for this year.

The conference will cover the most recent developments in psychiatry and mental health research through keynote addresses, plenary sessions, poster presentations, and interactive workshops.

Conference Brochure

We believe that the conference will provide an excellent platform for networking and creating lasting relationships with other professionals in the field. We hope that you will take full advantage of this opportunity to engage with your peers and contribute to the success of the conference.

We look forward to welcoming you to the beautiful city of London and to an inspiring and engaging conference that promises to be both educational and enjoyable.

The primary purpose of the conference is for researchers, experts, authorities, reviewers, drug masters, support specialists, enthusiastic researchers, and understudies to present their research findings to the group. We also extend a warm welcome to Presidents, CEOs, Policymakers, Delegates, and Mechanical Specialists from the Pharma and Healthcare sectors, who will help make the event a noteworthy venue for the exchange of information, ideas, and participation in workshops, conversations, standard presentations, introductions, and B2B networking.

Keynote speakers, oral/poster presentations, young researchers, business delegates, student delegates, and exhibitors are all welcome at the Psychiatric Congress 2025.
The organizing committee is gearing up for an exciting and informative conference program including Keynote talks, plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, poster presentations on a diffusion of topics associated with the sphere of Psychiatry. We invite you to affix us at the Psychiatric Congress 2025, where you’ll make certain to possess a meaningful experience expertly from round the globe.
All members of the Psychiatric Congress 2025 organizing committee expect to meet you.


Conference Manager 

Contact us - Email:                   WhatsApp: +447915641825

Who are Invited at Psychiatric Congress 2025

We are pleased to invite a diverse and distinguished group of professionals and stakeholders to the 39th International Conference on Psychiatry and Mental Health. This event aims to bring together experts from various fields to share knowledge, foster collaboration, and advance the understanding and treatment of mental health issues.

Invited Participants Include:

1. Psychiatrists and Mental Health Professionals

  • Clinical psychiatrists
  • Psychologists
  • Mental health counselors
  • Social workers

2. Academic and Research Scholars

  • Professors and lecturers
  • Postdoctoral researchers
  • Graduate and undergraduate students
  • Research fellows

3. Medical and Healthcare Practitioners

  • General practitioners with an interest in mental health
  • Nurses and nurse practitioners specializing in psychiatry
  • Primary care physicians
  • Healthcare administrators

4. Industry Representatives

  • Pharmaceutical companies
  • Biotech firms
  • Medical device manufacturers
  • Healthcare technology innovators

5. Policy Makers and Government Officials

  • Health policy advisors
  • Public health officials
  • Representatives from health ministries and government agencies

6. Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

  • Mental health advocacy groups
  • Community health organizations
  • Charitable foundations focused on mental health

7. Students and Early Career Professionals

  • Medical and psychology students
  • Early career researchers
  • Trainee psychiatrists and psychologists

8. Legal and Forensic Experts

  • Forensic psychiatrists
  • Legal professionals specializing in mental health law
  • Criminal justice system representatives

9. Educators and Trainers

  • Training program directors
  • Curriculum developers
  • Continuing education providers

10. Patients and Caregivers

  • Individuals with lived experience of mental health conditions
  • Family members and caregivers
  • Patient advocates

11. Media and Press

  • Health journalists
  • Science communicators
  • Media organizations covering mental health topics

This conference offers a unique platform for all attendees to engage in meaningful dialogue, share their expertise, and contribute to the future of psychiatry and mental health. We look forward to your active participation and to making this conference a landmark event in the field of mental health.

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date April 07-08, 2025

For Sponsors & Exhibitors

Speaker Opportunity

Past Conference Report

Supported By

ASEAN Journal of Psychiatry International Journal of Emergency Mental Health and Human Resilience Journal of Neuroinfectious Diseases

All accepted abstracts will be published in respective Conference Series International Journals.

Abstracts will be provided with Digital Object Identifier by